This a blog for Mr. James Cook's eleventh grade honors English class at Gloucester (MA) High School. Remember what Northrup Frye writes in _Fearful Symmetry_, "No one can begin to think straight unless [she or] he has a passionate desire to think and an intense joy in thinking."

Friday, February 5, 2010

Chapter 5 part 3 through Chapter 9

Imagine you have spent several days observing rituals and daily life in Malpais, New Mexico in the year 632 A.F. You have also met John, Linda, Pope, Mitsima, as well as Bernard and Lenina. Write a diary entry or letter to someone describing your day. Be sure to describe rituals and daily life. What values and beliefs can be inferred from the rituals and life there? (You might also compare these to rituals and daily life in the World State.) Be specific. You must quote a Malpais inhabitant at least once. (You might also talk about your encounters with and/or observations of some of the characters who appear in these chapters.) Be sure to also include personal feelings and ideas about life in Malpais.

Post your responses in the comment box. (You might even make reference to what your peers have already written in the comment box.) Due by class time on Monday, February 8.


jl907 said...

Dear whomever it may concern,
A week ago I was lucky enough to visit the reservation in Malpais, New Mexico and observe the grotesque savages that reside there. I traveled with Bernard Marx (a weird little Alpha if I have ever seen one) and Lenina Crowne (now there is a good citizen always taking her soma and such). Anyhow upon arrival we saw the oldest man ever. Oh the horror, even just thinking about the man brings me chills! His eyes all sunken and his face zigzagged with lines, it was just disgusting. We were informed there was a dance that night by one of the wardens and we decided to see what all the talk was about. I wish I had stayed back at the hut. There were savages everywhere dancing in an almost feverish way and dancing with snakes, I found it disturbing and I cringed away from it. The dance though disturbing the beats within it reminded me off the orgy-porgys we have back at the World State and the singing was almost like an Epsilons’ Community Sing. Then boys came out of the ground one hanging on something called a cross it is very similar to out T sign. The other boy started running around and then was being whipped he made it around several times before he fell. We decided to head back soon after this and on our way back we saw someone with white skin who looked similar to us. His English was funny and he was a Malpais. He said this to us, “Why wouldn’t they let me be the sacrifice? I’d have gone round ten times—twelve, fifteen. Palowhtiwa only got as far as seven. They could have had twice as much blood from me. The multitudinous seas incarnadine.” I realized with a sick start that the boy wanted to be whipped and I decided right then that this community was just too weird for me. The boy stared at Lenina like many of the boys at the hatchery do. Then he called out the name Linda. A fat and quite ugly woman came running out and started to cry upon her eyes making contact with us. She began to cry and hug me and Lenina I was lucky enough to escape her grasp unfortunately Lenina was not. The boy’s name was John he was her son and she had once lived where we do and she was a Beta-minus. Her Lenina are both very obsessed with the idea of soma although I do agree with Lenina with the fact that she is much more horrible to behold then the old man we saw. Lenina was trapped with Linda and I escaped with John and Bernard. John told us about how he was never allowed to participate like when they went on their journey to become a man he was not allowed to go because of his mother and the color of his skin. Here they do not believe in the idea that everyone belongs to everyone else that just shows how stupid they really are and that is why they did not like Linda. John told us that Lind taught him to read and how he wanted to go to the “other place” my home to meet his father. I glanced at Bernard and could see a plan forming in his mind. Bernard knew something that we did not. Poor John had such a horrible childhood that all could have been avoided if these savages would just be like us they are so stupid. The people here mend their clothes how primitive they need to learn to throw them out and just get new ones damn their primitive minds. Then only being married to one person and having children that is really just to much they need to be eradicated there primitive ways help no one and if they cannot fit into the World State then they should not be here and that is final. They believe in Christianity and some other old religion that has become so old I know nothing about it. They hunt and have trash everywhere ho I long to see sanitized places once more. I do wish that I had never agreed to coming on this journey. I must go now we are going to learn more about John and Linda. How exciting…not.

JCC3867 said...

Dear Diary,
I have never realized how much I miss World State until now. I have just witnessed the most queer rituals and most bizarre standard of living in the one and only Malpais, New Mexico. I am currently at the reservation outside from all the commotion. People made the reservation sound quite interesting to visit they told us and I quote,” the savages wont do any harm”. Its true they have not hurt us physically but I am mentally being torn apart. Now that my soma has worn off I now see the real reservation, I wittiness the dead dog and people getting whipped, its just wrong. I fear for my self and my friends, Lenina and I both just want to get out of hear. Now I am starting to think if I was not on soma in the first place if I would have thought that this place was cool. I will admit that when we were hiking up the hill and heard the drums banging and the eagle flew above us at the perfect time I thought that the reservation was a utopia. But know my high is done and I am scarred. Maybe this place would not be so disgusting if they took some vaccines and would clean up all the trash and death that lay along the streets in which people live. It is not healthy here and I want to go. Perhaps if the people got caught up to date and stopped practicing that old religion ..christonty…christnanity, oh whatever it was called this place would not be so bad. I mean for Ford sakes just how hard is it to swipe out all the crosses and put T’s? Maybe its just me who thinks this reservation place is a pit. I don’t know.

Grant W. said...

Grant Weaver
E Block

Dear Friend,
How are you? As you know I have spent the last few days on the savage reservation in New Mexico. I have recently spent the majority of my time at a pueblo called Malpais. I have not been alone in my ventures either, as I have run into Bernard Marx and Lenina Crowne. I have met so many interesting people. This is so scandalous, you’ll hardly believe it. There is someone from the World State living in Malpais! And, even worse she has a son. His name is John, and his m****r’s name is Linda. I met them while I was watching a strange manhood ritual. This entails a young boy walking in a circle around a pile of snakes (thrown there by the people of Malpais). While this is happening he is being whipped by a man dressed as a coyote, while the people are standing in absolute silence. This ends as quickly as it starts, and this is where I meet John.
John then explained to us his situation, and then went on to boast that he could have “gone round (the snakes, while being whipped) ten times-twelve, fifteen”. While I found this highly unlikely, John was still kind enough to give Bernard and I a tour of the pueblo. He was so trusting he began to tell us his life story. It is a tale of sadness and loneliness, which I cannot begin to explain fully. In short he was never fully accepted in the community. Linda, in true civilized fashion was very promiscuous, and John was harassed because of this. When all of the other boys started the process into manhood, he was forced out. John was determined though and went out and tried to become a man on his own. To prove his manhood he boasted that he could read (he can) and even tried to kill Pope, a man who was sleeping with his mother. He really touched Bernard, and was promised a ticket back to civilization.
While he was explaining this, as I said earlier, he was giving us a tour of Malpais. The place was both beautiful and disgusting. The architecture was impressive, a multi-level city built out of only dirt! That though brings me to my next point, the filth. It was all dirt. Dogs roamed the street eating out of open garbage. The people’s hair is long, and they rarely bathed. If you thought Bernard and I were disgusted you should have seen Lenina, practically begging for soma.
The people wear minimal clothes and are not bothered by it. They go against all rules of the Word State, they are even monogamous, and have children. The life is peaceful and calm, with next to no consumption of goods! It is so fascinating and yet revolting.
Well I must go, and I hope all is well back in London. See you in a few days.

Your Friend

Dan said...

These Savages are weird! I find it most eye-opening to see the contrast between the civilized man and the savage because I am only further convinced that the civilized world is better. We don’t have crazy men who read Shakespeare and even BRAG about it, or men who sleep with another man’s mother! They even are monogamous. I visited the reservation in Malpais, New Mexico. I saw many horrid things including deterioration from age, the brutal treatment of a person, and filth everywhere I looked. Why on earth would Bernard bring such a beautiful, wonderful, virtuous girl like Lenina here? She should not have to be exposed to such horrors.

nicole said...

Dear Diary,
My visit to Malpais was a very interesting experience. I saw Bernard, Lenina, John and John’s mother Linda. I was even lucky enough to take part in their celebration. During the celebration in the community, drums were played and they held up an image of an eagle and a man on a cross. I wasn’t sure what to do but I went along with it and pretended like I knew. I got to see a man walk into a pile of snakes and then he was whipped and started to bleed. I was kind of disturbed by this but everyone else thought it was normal. The World State is very different than this place. I was happy that John was there. He told me his life story about how he wasn’t planned and his mother slept with many different men. His father is actually the Director. This was interesting to find out. Linda is from the Other Place and now lives in the Indian Village after she had John she stayed there. She was a Beta-minus and John has never seen his father and would love to see him. I wasn’t about to ask him to come with me back so I kept my mouth shut. Well, my visit may seem a little strange but I had an amazing and awesome experience.

Evan said...

Dear Moritz,
I regret to inform you that I have spent a most unpleasant week among savages. These savages were like no one in the modern civilized world. These savages lived in dirt houses and did not bath. Oh the horror!, everyone knows the cleanliness is fordliness. That’s not all though Moritz, these savages let their people grow old, The bodies all wrinkled and feeble. As soon as we entered the town square there was a ritual dance taking place the beating of the drums seemed to awaken something within me almost as if i had heard it before. The men danced with snakes and a boy was whipped by a man dressed as a wolf as he walked around a picture of jesus and a bird of some sort. My Ford!, what a strange place i had stumbled into. That wan’t all my dear friend i met a man who was born from a woman! After i learned a bit about this man i couldn’t help but feel some compassion for him after all he has been ostracized from the modern world his whole life, forced to live among savages. I simply can not even fathom how he must have felt growing up. He says he has also read some book of some sorts “The complete works of Shakespeare”, I believe. I can only infer that this book is no good and i should keep an eye on this John fellow and as for his mother, well im not sure if she woukd benefit the world state anymore.

hannah said...

Dear diary,
I have had the opportunity to escape the rituals of the World State and experience an entirely different culture at the Indian Reservation. While I was here, I was able to see the Indians’ community celebration where a young boy walked through snakes and was whipped until he bled and collapsed. As odd and horrific as I found this, a young boy that Bernard and Lenina had met by the name of John whished himself into the young Indian’s position as the sacrifice. John was not an Indian, but was a white blonde haired boy who had parents from a Different Place. His mother Linda explained that she and her lover had something go wrong with their contraceptives and in result had John. She stayed at the Reservation in shame to return to the World State, and she had never seen her lover since. Bernard however, figured out that the young boy’s father was actually the director Thomas, but in fear of stirring up trouble kept his mouth shut. Linda, being over weight, old looking, and having missing teeth disgusted Lenina. Linda explained to Lenina that after having John, she went on with her sexual life and continued to sleep around with multiple men, anyone she pleased to. After Linda and Lenina end their conversation, I overheard Bernard invite John to London. John was ecstatic but insisted that his mother come as well. Bernard told him that he didn’t see why his mother couldn’t come. Seeing the freedom of emotion and other customs that the Reservation had to offer and the World State did not, Bernard was overwhelmingly pleased and said “O brave new world that has such people in it.” This Reservation is extremely adventurous and I can tell it has much to offer. I will keep you posted diary, you know I always do.

Your writer.

Ethan said...

The sights that I witnessed at malpais were no more grim and dark as the scene at the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. Instead of a mechanical and artificially synthesized world I came upon a world in which all practical thinking was barely present and tell tale signs of humanity were all but extinguished. It was replaced with a primitive form of animism. These people don't seemed to question their traditions much like the New World Citizens don't question their new found society that doesn't have any traditions what so ever. These savages have a coming of age ceremony where a youth commits to a dance where then goes in circles and is brutally whipped until he can no longer walk. I also met a woman who was an ex New World citizen. I wonder if this woman would ever recover any sanity. Her name was Linda. I could hardly decipher what she was trying to communicate to me. It seems where ever I go in this dystopia I cannot find a place where there is a moderate society that pays equal respects to the subjects of tradition and practicality.

Kayla said...

Dear Family,
Although I am quite grateful to get away from the World State for a bit, I find myself disgusted and confused in this new and different place called Malpais. I do enjoy being here with Lenina and Bernard, although Bernard is on the stranger side, Lenina and I are getting along very well. However, back to my experience, the first thing I saw when I got to Malpais was a very old man, I was horrified. I know it is wrong to judge people, but who would live like that with wrinkled skin and such, it is inhumane, and I am afraid to say the inhumanity did not stop there. We were told there was a ritual dance in town, I was skeptical, but went along to see. I was shocked to see the events that were going o. loud beating of drums and wild dancing, the outright savageness of these people gave me a conflicting feeling. Then to my surprise there was a boy being chased around by men, being whipped until he fell to the ground, it was then I decided I must get out of there for a little. Through these perils Lenina, Bernard, and I actually met a boy, who spoke English, and we found him very interesting. He told us of his life and how he was exiled and had spent his entire life here. He also told us of his mother and how she slept with many men, and actually gave birth to him, we were fascinated yet horrified at the same time. Although I was highly disgusted by their ways, we were told “the savages won’t do any harm”, they did not in fact harm us, but made me grateful of where I live in the world state.

zack m said...

Dear Diary,
I have been residing in malpais for quite some time now and none have been as this past week. Two people from the world state have decided to enter the reservation. They stick out like a sore thumb. One of them, Bernard is a short stalky alpha which is quite funny and contradictory. The other is a woman named lenina crown. Together the make the oddest group. Both don’t seem at all accustomed to life in malpais at all. Neither was i when i arrived. Right after the (odd group) came there was a ritual. You could tell there astonishment. I don’t see what the big deal is. We took out a cross and there was a crazy look on their faces. Like they have never seen one before. I mean i guess the T is all they care about over there in the World State. Their anxiety heightened when the dancing and whipping started. I overheard them say “It reminds me of a lower-cast community sing.” WHO DO THEY THINK WE ARE! Coming into this place and complaining and making outlandish remarks. There going to get hurt. All they can talk about is how queer we are, how queer this all is. Why are they here? As if this place didn’t have a bad enough reputation as it is form the ritual they had to meet john. I heard he told them he wish he was in the ritual. How weird he is. Ive only talked to him once but he just goes on and on about Shakespeare. He must have been trying to creep them out. I know it. I cant believe i am starting to act like a malpiasian. I have only been here for a couple of weeks. I used to be like Lenina and Bernard but something here has rubbed off on me. Their views here make allot of sense. There is not so much question about why. More freedom to think on my own. Whatever i probably sound crazy.

Moriah said...

February 7, 632 A.F,

What an eventful day it has been! Where to start? I have experienced so much and might I conclude, the majority of what I have seen was disgusting. As I journeyed throughout the reclusive pueblo called Malpais, an isolated reservation in New Mexico, I was stunned by the life I encountered there. To start, let me first tell you of the pueblo in and of itself. The whole area was dirty and extremely unclean. The filth was practically growing on the houses and there was trash scattered among the streets. Not to mention, beastly animals inhabiting the streets digging in the trash for food, only adding to the filth. Along my journey, I bumped into the famous Lenina Crowne, and Bernard Marx! Of all people, those were the last two I would expect to see there. However, it must have been Bernard’s idea to go to the pueblo. Otherwise, why else would they have gone? Later on, I came across what looked out to be some kind of ritual? Or tribal dance maybe. This boy, later to be known by as John was dancing around snakes while and old man, was striking him! How horrendous and inappropriate it was to see. After this event took place, I got the chance to actually meet John, who then introduced me to his…mother… Linda. Ugh, that word makes me feel squeamish to even say. Though this young boy makes me uneasy, he did show me around the village. Along the way, he told me everything he was gone through and all about this life. He told me about his mother, and how she was very promiscuous. I was stunned at first tot hear the she conceived John naturally! Atrocious! To be first part of the World State, then casted off into this remote pueblo of Malpais due to what she committed. Though the beginning of this tour I was sickened by all I heard and saw, towards the end I was truly amazed by the individuality of John. He willingly poured out his life story to me telling me every detail. Also adding, how the Pope slept with his mother, and how he attempted to kill him. I could tell that he truly loved his mother, but he was very interested in getting out of the pueblo. As a matter of fact, Bernard assured him that he would take him out. Overall, my day was extremely eventful. I learned so much, yet was still disgusted by much of it. It was evident that most of the people living there only know that life. Aside from Linda. They don’t understand the World State and its luxuries. Yes, I learned a lot and am fascinated at the scenes, yet at the same time I am still disgusted by the way they lived. A second trip to the pueblos may result again, but not for some time.

Unknown said...

Dear Journal,
Recently, I visited a reservation in Malpais, New Mexico where I encountered many barbaric savages living among the dry, deserted land. I visited this strange and unusual place with Bernard Marx and Lenina Crowne. They’re both unusual themselves in their own right, but you can clearly note differences. Anyways, on this reservation there were things I would never imagine to see. There were people living here who were, old. It was disgusting. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. No one should age to the point where there body is as grotesque as the life they are living. But what was even worse was the dance we experienced that night in the village. Savages were dancing and singing rambunctiously and in a strange manner all around. It was disturbing, and also something I had never quite seen before. But if you think that was the worst of it, you are seriously mistaken. For next we saw a young boy running around being whipped to his death. We soon realized that the boy wanted to be sacrificed onto a “cross” that is much like our “T” sign. I could not believe the disgusting rituals that were occurring before me. What was next? A large woman, Linda came running up to us, she told us she was John, the young boy’s, “mother”. His “mother”? It had to been the most disgusting news I had heard on our trip. These children are not born in hatcheries? What is wrong with these people? I may never know. John and Linda have been ostracized by the others though, for their former involvement in the World State. As I started to learn more information on our journey here, I came to the conclusion that this is a very perplexing and unusual place. Why do John and Linda live here? Why would Linda teach John how to read? Why do these people believe in such a strange religion? I don’t understand this place at all.

Emily C said...

Dear Diary,
I recently visited the Savage Reservation in Malpais, New Mexico. It was a very terrifying experience, but I did learn a lot about the savages that live there. The first thing that I witnessed drew tears to my eyes. It was a human sacrifice. The boy was very young, only eighteen or so. There were drums beating the whole time. The boy slowly walked around a heap of snakes, while being whipped in the back until he fell over. It was not easy to watch. Then we met a boy named John, who wanted to be the one given up for sacrifice, but he was not like the others. His mother Linda used to be from the World State, but she got lost while on vacation at the Reservation and had to stay there. John and Linda always had trouble fitting in. Linda was not accustomed to “families”, so she figured that she could have any man, but that got her into trouble with the women in the Reservation. John grew up an outcast to his peers and was often shunned from activities. Linda taught John to read, which also separated him from the group, but it also comforted him because it was something that he had over them. John described his live simply as, “Alone, always alone.” During this trip, I observed and listened to the savages and determined a few things. The savages are very spiritual people. They value worship and sacrifice. They are very in tune with nature and their surroundings. They utilize the Earth’s treasures by making things of clay. They do not thrive from manufacturing and selling and buying. They have a very simple life, unlike the people in the World State, who play Obstacle Golf and Centrifugal Bumble-Puppy. The savages have feelings that are much deeper than the people’s in the World State. They love and have families and homes. The people in the World State don’t have families, they have short-term sexual interests. The savages are very different than the people in the World State because they are how people were before they started being mass produced and conditioned.

hannah said...

(this is gilbert brown's, his emial wasn't working.)

Dear diary,
Over the past week I have fled the World State and have spent my time in the savage Reservation of the Indians. I have been paying special attention to a couple of other people from the State; Bernard and Lenina. Along with Bernard and Lenina I found the celebration of the Indian community quite strange and obviously extremely foreign. The pounding of the drums reminds Lenina of Solidarity Services and Ford’s Day celebrations at the State and in the tribe it was a part of the celebration for the tribe. After some time, a young white boy who surprisingly spoke clear English approached Lenina and Bernard. He expressed his dedication to the Indian tribe when he tells Bernard that he wished to sacrifice himself for the tribe, “Why wouldn’t they let me be the sacrifice? I’d have gone round ten times—twelve, fifteen.” I found this a little strange because in the World State you work for everyone else and John was ready to sacrifice himself for the other kid. John’s mother Linda; an old looking decrepit, tooth missing monster, as described by Lenina gave natural birth to John. After Linda’s contraceptives failed she was too embarrassed to go home to the World State. She remained at the reservation sleeping with anyone who tickled her fancy. It is kind of like the World State because everyone sleeps with everyone and there are really no repercussions. This differs from the World State because they are provided contraceptives on a daily basis and when they grow older they are provided with youthful substances. On the reservation you are affected by all of nature’s forces and in the World state you are sheltered from all forces in a world that provides happiness and stability. The question is how do you want your freedom to be like?

EmilyP said...

Dear Diary,
I have been observing the life of the uncivilized her at Malpais for a few days now. It has been quite shocking; I’ve seen things I’ve never seen before that I am quite revolted by. The quality of life here is horrible, theses savages know nothing of cleanliness, and cleanliness is next to Fordliness. However to all of these people are completely savage, I met a young man who was raised here but whose mother was from the World State. He is the son of the D.H.C; I wonder how this will go over when the public hears the D.H.C has a natural born son living in such squalor in the reservation. John’s mom (John is the son) Linda has not faired well her years on the reservation, the other women hate her, and she is old and fat. Because of this she has alienated herself from both worlds the World State, and the reservation. Bernard an Alpha Plus also touring the reservation thinks that he should bring both Linda and John back to the World State despite the horror he saw on Lenina, another World State resident who was frightened by the disgusting state of Linda’s health. I suppose John could enjoy living in a world with other civilized people, but I’m not sure how the state will react to his vast knowledge of Shakespeare and his unstable emotions, he almost immediately became enfactuated with Lenina, and quoted Shakespeare to match his feelings, “On the white wonder of dear Juliet’s hand,”.

stephk5336 said...

Dear Diary,
I cannot believe some of the things I have seen and heard on the reservation. Even a good amount of soma might not be able to get rid of the terrifying things I have experienced there. When we first arrived, we walked into some type of ceremony. There were drums pounding and an eagle and a man on a cross were raised. I am not sure what these things meant but they seemed to be important to the people. In the center of all this, a boy was brutally being whipped and finally collapsed when he could no longer take it. This was horrifying to me. I met a boy named John who said “Why wouldn’t they let me be the sacrifice?”He wanted to be hit by that whip. I do not know why that seemed like a good thing to him. He seemed rather normal at first until I found out he was born from a mother. Yuck, just thinking of that word makes me sick. Not only was john born from a woman, but he can also read. I feel a little sorry for him because he does not know any better than the life he lives on the reservation. I think he would find our ways in London much more practical. Linda, his mother, was absolutely hideous. She was overweight and wrinkled, this would never be accepted in London. I can’t believe they can get away with an appearance like that on the reservation. What really disgusted me about this woman is the fact that she had a kid! It seems as though these people value their family. Linda has slept with many men and the women get upset about it. I guess these people stay with one man or woman. I found this awfully strange. I do not have much more to say besides the fact that I have seen more on this reservation than I ever thought I would see in my entire life.

Chase said...

Dear Diary,

Malpais, New Mexico is a hole in the utopian order of society if I have ever seen it. No wonder Bernard wanted to go here so much. He is the only person I have ever seen resist soma, and this place is an anti-soma. For one thing, age and obesity were two things with which had never really crossed my mind. Now they have invaded my worst nightmares. Thank ford the World State does not allow us to get this way, praise soma. I remember once hearing the barbaric nature of pre-ford civilization from Mustapha Mond, but I did not think it to be true. The things he spoke of about the coliseum, I believe it was, were soma compared to this. The savages had a young boy walk into a ring of serpents and be whipped. Lenina was so horrified, of course rightfully so. She is a good girl, seems quite moral. Why she is out here with Bernard I haven’t the faintest. Perhaps he gave her extra doses of soma before hand. It seems everyone picks up on her aura. A young boy named John seems to have taken a shining to her as well. He showed some sense when he referred to the civilized state as “O brave new world”, but then I began to think he may have just been citing some hypnopædia, because he must have repeated it at least thrice. It seems he can almost be saved yet. Seeing as he was excluded from the barbaric ritual of manhood by these savages, simply for having a moral and promiscuous mother. Quite strange though, he was under the impression that in the civilized world we might join, how did he put it? “For ever” I think. What a ridiculous proposal! That’s what you get for living in an all dirt metropolis with dogs and savages. Bernard is bringing him back to the civilized world, so perhaps Ford can save him yet. At least he did not get fat off of alcohol like his mother, probably because he associates it with Popè, who he has threatened to kill for being his mother’s lover. I am getting the strangest of feelings from Bernard. He looks like he has just solved a sinister puzzle. I do not understand why he is so elated about finding this boy, though sometimes he hides it, I can see it in his eyes.

Samantha H said...

Dear Diary,
Malpais, New Mexico is a magnificent city but very different than the World State. Here the people act much different, here everyone is actually born! Although I did enjoy meeting Bernard, Lenina, Pope, John, Linda and Mistima. I liked to hear what they had to say. John surprised me though. He saw someone being whipped “Why wouldn’t they let me be the sacrifice? I’d have gone round ten times—twelve, fifteen. Palowhtiwa only got as far as seven. They could have had twice as much blood from me. The multitudinous seas incarnadine.” That is just disturbing why would anyone want to be whipped? Not to mention why do the people do that for fun?!?!?. I just do not get it. I could tell some difference between Bernard and Lenina my fellow World State citizens. Bernard seemed fascinated by the differences and Lenina seemed disturbed. Linda and John are very nice, it is a shame Linda left the World State. Well that is all for now I just wanted you to know how different Malpais was from the World State I must go explore some more.

Jeremiah said...

Dear friend:

After spending an entire day at this reservation in New Mexico I have come to the conclusion that life here is completely different from the World State. I traveled with two of my friends, Lenina and Bernard, and I saw horrible things that pain me to describe. These savages have no sense of decency, and the Ford way of life is not among them. The natives of the reservation believe in the idea of having a family…which is utterly preposterous. The people are unclean. I also met people from the World State while I was there. Thomas was a native that told me that he had not always lived in the reservation, and his parents were Linda and Thomas. I am pleased to inform you that I am alive and well and I hope to see you in the near future.

Anonymous said...

(I was not here friday and was not aware of this until monday. I will be more responsible and check the blog daily. Thank you Mr. Cook -mac)

Dear Diary,

I have seen more in these past days than my whole life in the world state. The more I think the more I understand the malpaisian ways. I was horrified at first to see the way this reservation worked without a society. It was unreal in a way, a women named Lenina agreed with me calling the place “very queer”. What caused bitter shock to me was the physical impurity the savages exited with. They were unclean, whipped and their lives seemed to have no quality. I must tell you diary that I met a man named john that now has me thinking that maybe their is a society that exists within these savages. Maybe, possibly, their quality of life is valued different and their morals not warped but divine. John told me his story of his birth and his mother Linda’s choice to not return to the world state in result of no abortion and the shame that would follow her. As I got to see John I saw that he has knowledge of literature (Shakespeare?) and emotions I could not understand. He told me that his mother (Linda) was hurt by women for having sex with their men. How is it they could harm someone for sleeping with many men? They must think it is wrong and have me trying to understand why these savage women think they own a man to themselves. I think it is John who has ideals from two different societies that has enabled me to understand and transition to the savages ways of life. I can see now that maybe we should be allowed to talk act and think freely. Maybe the world state has their morals wrong and we all should have the ability to become who we choose and not see happiness as the answer for everything. Maybe it is wrong to be Promiscuous and maybe when we have problems we should not just take soma but try and think about the situation that we face. These ideas of companionship, and freedom from the world and in the mind has made me to question which society experiences life in true quality. Mine or theirs? and if theirs, can I change mine?