Multigenre Paper (Final Exam)
[] To complete this assignment you will need proofread final drafts of all five (5) genres you have written on the topic: annotated bibliography, research paper, personal experience essay, poetry, and drama .
[] Bring your Multigenre Paper to Stage Fort Park (rain location: GHS library) on Friday, June 18 at noon across from the Cupboard.
The paper will need to have the following elements:
[] Title Page including the following information: your name, my name, course, date.
[] Dedication and Epigraph: dedicate the poem to someone you’d like to honor; choose a
quotation that reflects your feelings or an idea related to the paper.
[] Preface (¾ to one page, twelve point font, double-spaced)
1. Paragraph 1: reflect on the process of completing the multigenre project (what have you learned about your topic, your city, particular genres, the writing process, conducting research, yourself, etc.?)
2. Paragraph 2: reflect on why you selected the particular pieces for the multigenre paper and why you have placed the pieces in a particular order,
3. Paragraph 3: reflect on the role and value of each genre: annotated bibliography, research paper, personal essay, and poetry. Think about how the conventions of each genre allow you to explore and reveal the topic in particular ways. What are the advantages and what are the limitations of each genre?
[] Multigenre Paper (2 ¾ to 3 pages, 12 point font, double-spaced EXCEPT for poems unless you want them to be double spaced.)
[] Use five (5) genres: annotated bibliography, research paper, personal essay,
poetry, drama
[] Create an appropriate, engaging, unifying title for each piece used in the
multigenre paper.
[] “Something else”: Another genre of writing or genre of art which might include:
· Photo/Painting/Collage/Drawing
· Email or IM
· Letter (to the editor, to someone related to the topic, etc.)
· Fictional advertisement
· Other? Use models and world for inspiration
This “something else” must be of your own creation!
This “something else” does not count toward the 2 ¾ to 3 pages limit.
[] Works Cited (Bibliography)
Include a works cited page for any works that you have cited in the paper.